Thus from Iames Forte we tooke our leaue about Noone, and by night we were vp the Ryver. 13. myle at a lowe meadow point, which I call Wynauk. here came the people, and entertayned vs with Daunces and much reioycing. This kyngdome Wynauk is full of pearle muskles. the kyng of Paspeiouh and this king is at oddes, as the Paspeians tould me, and Demonstrated by their hurtes: heere we anckored all night.

Thus from Iames Forte we tooke our leaue about Noone, and by night we were vp the Ryver. 13. myle at a lowe meadow point, which I call Wynauk. here came the people, and entertayned vs with Daunces and much reioycing. This kyngdome Wynauk is full of pearle muskles. the kyng of Paspeiouh and this king is at oddes, as the Paspeians tould me, and Demonstrated by their hurtes: heere we anckored all night.